Sunday, December 25, 2011

Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze - Die Dokumentation http Die 5 Biologischen Naturgesetze Die dritte Revolution der Medizin Eine Produktion für bzw. http Für das gesamte Video gilt: nichts glauben! Wir verlangen von jedem, dass das komplette System verstanden und überprüft wird. Inhaltsangabe: 1. Prolog 2. Der Paradigmenwechsel 8:25 3. Socken 18:50 4. Erfahrungsbericht Hodenkrebs 32:00 5. Das 5. Gesetz 47:30 6. Das 1. Gesetz 54:40 7. Beispiel Milchdrüsen 1:13:58 8. Das 2. Gesetz 9. Beispiel Schnupfen 10. Das 3. Gesetz 11. Erfahrungsbericht Knochenkrebs 12. Das 4. Gesetz 13. Die Infektionsbehauptung 14. Die 3 Ebenen in der 2-Phasigkeit 15. Die Nierensammelrohre und ihr Einfluss 16. Erfahrungsbericht Gebärmutterhalskrebs 17. Die Händigkeit 18. Rezidive und Schienen 19. Die Außendarstellung 20. Credits 21. Bonus! Das Video ist natürlich kostenlos, das 3er DVD-Set kann jedoch auf bestellt werden. ***Die Macher der Dokumentation distanzieren sich weiträumig von jeglicher Form des Rassismus oder dergleichen und von Dr. Hamers Aussagen bezüglich Juden*** 5 biologických prírodných zákonov Novej medicíny od Dr. Hamera -- so slovenskými titulkami The documentary about the 5 biological laws of Dr. Hamer's New Medicine, with english subtitles Las 5 Leyes Biológicas - Subtítulos español Es werden nur Kommentare zugelassen von Menschen die den Film auch gesehen haben. Es häufen sich Kommentare von leuten die nach 5 Minuten (2% des Fimes) schon finale Meinungen abgeben.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Early Learning Stakeholders Meeting: ESEA Reauthorization and Early Learning

The Early Learning Stakeholder Meeting on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) on January 29, 2010. Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Early Learning Jacqueline Jones was joined by Assistant Secretaries Carmel Martin, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Program Development, and Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Fifteen representatives from the community shared their recommendations.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8±Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Enfamil
Rate :
Price : $171.04
Post Date : Dec 05, 2011 09:26:50
Usually ships in 24 hours

For Baby's First 12 Months. Makes 188 fl oz. A blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA - Nutrients found in breast milk. Lipil is a blend of the nutrients DHA (17 mg/100 Calories) and ARA (34 mg/100 Calories). DHA and ARA are also naturally found in breast milk and are important building blocks for a baby's brain and eyes. Experts agree on the many benefits of breast milk. If you choose to use infant formula, ask your doctor which Enfamil formula is best for your baby. Enfamil Lipil with Iron is our closest formula to breast milk ever. It's easy-to-digest, complete and balanced nutrition.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Misconceptions on Healthy Eating

!±8± Misconceptions on Healthy Eating

As most people know, nutritional eating is a major component to living a healthy lifestyle. For instance, consuming an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily is not only nourishing, but will most often improve our quality of life too.

But there are many misconceptions about supposedly "healthy" products. We've been told time after time to eat certain foods because they're good for us. Or, we've been misinformed about certain additives in foods that harm our bodies. Here's a list of seven common misconceptions related to healthy eating. Study these for yourself so that you and your family can make informed decisions.

1. Splenda (Nutrasweet, Equal, aspartame) is healthier than sugar

The mainstream news and corporations have misled you and it's not your fault. You've been told for a long time that artificial sweeteners are healthier than sugar. You've bought into it because you thought lower calories was better.

Today you find artificial sweeteners in just about everything. Food corporations make big money off of anything "sugar-free." The truth of the matter is that Splenda, Nutrasweet and almost every other artificial sweetener is not healthy or safe.

Research in animals shows that sucralose can cause such problems as:

Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage) Enlarged liver and kidneys Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus Increased cecal weight Reduced growth rate Decreased red blood cell count Hyperplasia of the pelvis Extension of the pregnancy period Aborted pregnancy Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights Diarrhea

The only non-sugar alternative that is proven to be safe is the all-natural Stevia. You can find this product in the same aisle as other sweeteners. Otherwise, when shopping, try to steer clear of anything labeled "sugar-free."

2. Soy is good for you

Many respected scientists have issued warnings stating that the possible benefits of eating soy should be weighed against the proven risks. Thousands of studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, infertility, and even cancer and heart disease.

There is no historical precedent for eating the large amounts of soy now being consumed by infants (from soy formula) and vegetarians who favor soy as their main source of protein, or for the large amounts of soy recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and many other popular health experts.

Most of the fears concerning soy formula have focused on estrogens. There are other problems as well, notably much higher levels of aluminum, fluoride and manganese than are found in either breastmilk or dairy formulas. All three metals have the potential to adversely affect brain development. Although trace amounts of manganese are vital to the development of the brain, toxic levels accrued from ingestion of soy formula during infancy have been found in children suffering from attention-deficit disorders, dyslexia and other learning problems.

In conclusion, it seems that the safety of soy foods has yet to be proven, and that human beings have become guinea pigs. Try to avoid soy products and don't feed them to your children.

3. Margarine is better than butter

Years of research has been done to determine whether margarine or butter is better to consume. You can find a plethora of claims on the Internet arguing one way or the other. The truth is, neither are healthy and their use should be minimized as often as possible.

But, between the two, we believe butter is actually the better choice. While butter is high in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, margarine is high is trans-fatty acids (which are worse that saturated fats). Margarine also raises levels of bad cholesterol and lowers levels of good cholesterol, while butter provides vitamins A, D, E and K.

In addition, margarine decreases immune response and increases blood insulin levels, making the risks for diabetes greater. And while margarine may not contain cholesterol as butter does, when eaten it still stimulates the body to make cholesterol.

For an even healthier option, try Butter Buds, found in the spice aisle of your grocery store. This product is much better for you and tastes just like butter. But, in times when butter or margarine in necessary, such as baking, butter overall is the better choice.

4. Olive oil is the healthiest cooking oil

Although mainstream media portrays olive oil as the healthiest oil, this does not extend to cooking. Olive oil is primarily a monounsaturated fat and overabundance of oleic acid in olive oil creates an imbalance on the cellular level, which has been associated to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

Now polyunsaturated oils, which include vegetable oils like corn, soy, safflower and canola, are the worst oils to cook with because of the trans-fatty acids introduced during the hydrogenation process, which results in increased dangers of chronic diseases such as breast cancer and heart disease.

Anytime you need an oil to cook with, coconut oil can automatically be used in place of butter, margarine, olive oil, etc. in all types of recipes. This is a much healthier oil that you don't hear much about. Specifically you'll want to buy extra virgin organic coconut oil.

There are many benefits of using coconut oil, such as:

Promoting your heart health Promoting weight loss when and if you need it Supporting your immune system health Supporting a healthy metabolism Providing you with an immediate energy source Helping to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking Supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland

5. Wheat bread is better than white bread

While this is a true statement, consumers are often tricked into thinking that anything labeled "wheat" is healthy. But in fact, there are only certain types of wheat-labeled breads that are truly wheat. Make sure the packaging reads "100% Whole Wheat" or "100% Stone Ground." Otherwise, what you're consuming is truly no different from sugary white bread.

According to Dr. Mallika Marshall though, it's important to look for more than just a whole-wheat label. First, check to make sure the bread has high amounts of fiber. Adults should eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day.

Second, choose a bread that has less than 350 mg of sodium per serving. Too much sodium in a diet is dangerous. And third, avoid hydrogenated fats at all costs. Try to find a brand that doesn't have this ingredient. It's also good to avoid high fructose corn syrup, if possible. While finding a loaf of bread without this ingredient can be challenging, at least make sure it's not one of the first several ingredients listed.

If all else fails, make your own bread at home. It's not only healthier, but most likely more affordable too.

6. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is easily avoidable

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer known widely as an addition to Chinese food, is actually added to thousands of the foods you eat.

It's in everything from soup, crackers, meats and salad dressings. As dangerous as it is, MSG makes food taste good and it is dirt cheap, like sugar. Even infant formulas and baby foods contain this poison, even though babies and infants are four times more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of this chemical.

Eliminating MSG from your diet is a wise choice for everyone, especially pregnant women.

Here's a list of hidden names for MSG that you need to be aware of. The hidden names include:

Gelatin Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Yeast Extract Malted Barley Rice Syrup or Brown Rice Syrup

7. If the label says "All Natural" or "Organic" it must be healthy

There's not as much regulation as you may think when it comes to the wording used on food labels. "All Natural" can mean absolutely nothing, except that it entices the consumer to purchase it over other brands. Sometimes an item labeled "All Natural" will have fewer ingredients, which can be a good thing. But it absolutely does not mean the item is healthy or unprocessed.

As for "Organic," this term is much more regulated, but there are still come catches. The best option is to choose items labeled "100% Organic." These products are given the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) seal and are completely organic and natural. An item that simply reads "Organic" is only required to have 95% organic ingredients and those that claim they're "Made with Organic Ingredients" must only be 70% organic.

Other commonly misused labeling terms include "cage-free," "grass-fed," "sustainable" and "hormone-free." While the USDA has clear definitions for each of these terms, there is no independent verification that products with such labels actually meet the requirements.
So, when choosing food items that makes one of these claims, look at the ingredients as well to see just how natural it truly is.

Misconceptions on Healthy Eating

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Store Brand Infant Formula Recommended by Cornell Nutritional Expert

Dr. Barbara Levine, Weill Cornell Medical College, recommends store brand infant formula: "Buying a heavily marketed, expensive, brand-name infant formula from a big pharmaceutical company does not get your baby any closer to human breast milk than a store brand formula." Walmart, Sam's Club, Target, Kroger, CVS, Babies "R" Us, and Walgreens all sell store brand formulas that are nutritionally equivalent to national brands.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

10 Suggestions For Weak Brands

!±8± 10 Suggestions For Weak Brands

Here, I share my thoughts and suggestions for weak brands:

1) Accept reality: A realistic assessment of the brand's situation is critical for an appropriate marketing strategy to address the challenges and problems. Management should have the maturity and guts to accept reality and act on it. Ignoring or falsifying reality will not make the problems go away.

While it sounds like the most obvious thing to do, it doesn't happen easily as acceptance of reality is also an admission of failure. It is even more difficult when people involved with the brand carry an irrational belief that "my baby is the best" or suffer from the "I am OK; you are not OK" mentality.

2) Re-align with reality: The next step is to re-align strategies, resources and expectations in line with the accepted reality. Marketing mix and market place behavior should be altered to be in consonance with the brand's position in the market.

Setting ambitious goals is good, but it is also important to be realistic about expectations. Turnaround will be slow and return on investments will be low. Unrealistic expectations, which are very often a reason for the brand to become weak, will result in more strain on the brand, resources and people.

3) Avoid deterioration: Re-aligning with reality is not to suggest that compromises should be made. Measures initiated to shore up the bottom line should not adversely impact the product quality, after sales service, customer experience, advertising and price. Deterioration of these would only give the consumers and trade even more reasons to reject the brand.

4) Don't wait for the big idea: Weak brands should not waste time and resources in waiting around for that one big idea. It will never come. Instead, resources should be spent in ensuring that the right things are done better, time and again. This will eventually pay-off when the stronger brands commit unforced errors. Gains will come only in random small doses.

5) Don't give up too soon: Strategies and programs should not be discarded prematurely just because immediate improvements are not visible. Consumers take a much longer time to respond to stimuli from weak brands. They need time to notice, process, re-evaluate, seek reassurance and then act on the stimuli. This process, depending on the strength of the stimuli and the purchase frequency, could sometimes take years. The cycle is much shorter for the stronger brands as consumers do not re-evaluate and seek reassurance every time.

In the perpetual search for the success formula weak brands should not jump too soon from one program to another. Frequent changes would confound the consumers in the evaluation process. Implementing short-term measures to hasten the recovery process will only be counter productive.

6) Focus on consumers; not on competition: Weak brands should not allow themselves to be distracted by the activities and success of the stronger brands. Consumers should be the sole purpose of the brand. Marketing programs should be initiated in response to a consumer need and not in response to a competitive activity.

7) Focus on strengths; not on weaknesses: This will help the brand to identify and prioritize the right products, unique propositions, strong markets and profitable customers. Limited resources are better invested in defending and growing strengths. By focusing on strengths the brand could avoid drawing attention to its weaknesses.

8) Overcome trust and credibility barriers: The biggest challenge a weak brand could have is to build trust, credibility and emotional connect. Better products, unique propositions, claims, etc might not work if the consumers are not willing to believe the brand. Credibility will come when the brand claims are tangible, demonstrable and unique, supported by a good reason to believe.

Trust and emotional barriers are far more difficult to gain. Positive WOM of existing customers will definitely bridge these barriers far more effectively and efficiently than advertising claims. Marketing programs should mandatorily include the existing customers.

9) Leverage Advantages: Weaker brands do have a few advantages over the stronger brands. Programs should be in place to identify, assesses and exploit all these advantages.

· Strong brands take consumers for granted; weaker brands can't afford to.
· Strong brands could be pre-occupied with heavy operations; weaker brands might not be.
· They have a lot to loose; weaker brands have nothing to lose.
· They have heavy competition; weaker brands don't have competition.
· By default strong brands become everything for everybody; weak brands are not everything to everybody.

10) Don't ignore the future: Non-stop fight for survival should not be an excuse to ignore future needs. Ignoring the future will only widen the gap further. For many weak brands, the solution could actually be in the future and not in the present. Relative to the bigger, stronger brands it would be easier for the weaker brands to adapt to changes faster.

Weak brands definitely need better marketing. The suggestions above are purely based on my observations of and experiences with weak brands and the people involved with them. They are by no means exhaustive or exclusive.

Please do share your experiences, thoughts and suggestions.

10 Suggestions For Weak Brands

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fresh diaper bags

!±8± Fresh diaper bags

Unlike their parents, in the past, many modern parents are looking for cool diaper bags. For parents of previous generations, baby-oriented designs often drawing with characters from popular books and comics. The colors were often pastels - blue for boys, pink for girls, and yellow, purple or green for both sexes. A recent development has been a simple diaper bag or blanket, but are often settled only in basic research, black, navy and jeans to find. Mothers who wanted adiaper bag often only stylish resort with a large bag, stuffed full of nappies and bottles, with no compartments to organize all baby products.

Modern Parents can now choose from a wide range of diaper bags. These most recent cases are equipped with modern popular fabrics from top designers, Asian Silk, global fabric and retro prints. Several moms in Hollywood have been seen wearing their silk bags trendy diaper. This bag of fantasy can be used in almost every color imaginable can be found in a styleall tastes and all occasions. There are also many different types of substances from male parents, to withstand their fathers diaper bags cool. To decide which beautiful fabrics, fresh diaper bags today are usually easy to wash or clean by wiping with a damp cloth.

Diaper bags to cry no more "child". They are available in fashionable styles, such as shoulder bags, backpacks and bags - but unlike their traditional counterparts, havespecialized departments, all the gear children, including a changing table and keep clean coordinated owners. Individuals may be more focused on the purpose of special materials, and pockets on the outside of the bag can cover a transparent, easily erased.

Some have adjustable straps for maximum comfort and parents can benefit from a standard diaper bag a backpack-style converted, if necessary. This is a great help for long trips like a visit to the zoo or a day of great shopping, whenThere are many packages to carry. A lot of diaper bags stand to cool down to earth for the material from the ground or floor to maintain.

Many parents are choosing cloth diapers to use the systems, and the latest generation of bags often have pockets for cloth diapers with PUL fabric, usually a polyester interlock fabric, laminated, coated with polyurethane. This is the same substance that is used for All-In-One cloth diapers and diaper covers usedfor other types of cloth diapers. This makes the sealed bags for dirty diapers go home with minimal odor.

Another great feature of the new bag is durable plastic liner inside the big issues, like the type used in soft-sided cooler for drinks. These compartments can store bottles or ice packs baggies expressed breast milk, formula and keep food cold. The interior plastic can help prevent leakage of milkand food outside of fashion fabrics.

Fresh diaper bags

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Monday, September 26, 2011

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Bottles and trademarks

!±8± Bottles and trademarks

Choosing the right brand of baby bottles for the little boy can be as simple as get to hear at the bar or something boring like tons of advice from friends and relatives. However, it is still up to you to decide which brand you use to bottle feeding the baby.

Avent is one of the best known brands. Avent is a world-renowned brand that has put a great effort to produce the safest and most appropriate bottles. BottleAvent is not just a single line of baby bottles, specialize in baby bottles for pumping mothers and older children.

One of the best features of the Avent nipple or nipple that comes with the bottle. The silicone-made and large nipple mimics the shape of the nipple of the mother and thus offers the best comfort for the child.

Avent also has a valve that has a patented anti-vacuum skirt. This prevents the flow of air in the mouth of the baby during breastfeeding. Avent TeatsThere are different types of milk to your milk drinkers only. The nipples are in the current slow, medium and fast. If you are not sure how your child has a preference, you can start slow with the suction cup and if your child shows frustration, change to a faster flow nipple.

Avent is also dishwasher safe and not cracked or discolored easily as other bottles. This means that you, your bottles as fast as when you change the otherTrademarks. In addition, Avent wide mouth, so you can clean up easily by hand without the need for bottle brushes, which may not be able to thoroughly clean the bottle. Avent bottle is also easy to fill, it is with your mouth, mixed baby formula does not lead to frustration on your part. Transferred from the bottle Avent pump, the powder or the mixing of water and do not cause losses.

Avent bottles for your baby is also very easy to manage the time comes that your precious babybegins to take hold. The general shape of the bottle is easier to keep your child develop motor skills. So, be sure to be there to test your child, regardless of milk drinkers are beginning to support. For more information contact Avent, it is possible to their website and other websites for reviews parents.

Bottles and trademarks

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gerber Good Start Protect PLUS, Powder, 12 Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

!±8±Gerber Good Start Protect PLUS, Powder, 12 Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)

Brand : Good Start
Rate :
Price : $89.00
Post Date : Sep 12, 2011 03:21:58
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Nestle Good Start Natural Cultures is the first and only infant formula to provide the added protection of beneficial probiotic cultures to help support a healthy immune system, plus Comfort Proteins and DHA & ARA. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid) are fatty acids, or lipids, found naturally in breastmilk. These lipids are an important component to the development of healthy brain and eye tissues. During the third trimester of pregnancy the mother passes DHA and ARA to her baby. After the baby is born, the mother can continue to provide DHA and ARA to her child via breastfeeding, or by giving her child Good Start Natural Cultures formula.

A Breakthrough Infant Formula
Good Start Natural Cultures is a breakthrough infant formula designed to help support

This breakthrough formula helps support the immune system. View larger.
your baby's healthy immune system. And since a healthy immune system provides your baby with important natural defenses, this formula can help build a happy, healthier child.

Supports Your Baby's Healthy Immune System
Research has shown that the beneficial probiotic cultures found in Good Start Natural Cultures help support your baby's healthy immune system in many ways, including:

  • Beneficial probiotic cultures can help support your baby's healthy immune system by increasing levels of key antibodies
  • Probiotics can also help support the natural protective barrier in the digestive tract, where 70-percent of the immune system is found
Unique Combination of Benefits
Experts agree that breastmilk is the ideal source of nutrition and protection for your baby. However, if you decide to formula-feed, you can be assured that Good Start Natural Cultures offers complete nutrition, plus beneficial cultures, easy-to-digest Comfort Proteins, and DHA & ARA to offer your baby a unique combination of benefits no other formula provides.

Nestle's formula contains beneficial probiotic cultures, Comfort Proteins, and DHA & ARA.

Good Start Natural Cultures is loaded with ingredients that support the natural protective barrier in the digestive tract.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Child at home

!±8± Child at home

Today we are a society healthy. We have more mothers breastfeed than ever. In fact, if you are not quiet people ask 'why not'. We all know that breast milk provides antibodies to the child, they need to be healthy. But sometimes, that breastfeeding does not work. It could be the mother or the child simply does not work. This can lead to frustration because you want the store to buy baby formula. Especially when you can take a couple of differentTypes before finding the baby to digest easily. Now we have a third alternative, baby food at home.

This formula is added to the gelatin, for easy digestion of cow's milk for the baby. Here's the basic formula:

- 2 cups of whole milk, preferably unprocessed
- ¼ cup homemade whey
- 4 tablespoons of milk sugar
- ½ teaspoon cream of good quality
- 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil is not regularly
- 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon expellerexpressed sunflower oil
- 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
- 2 teaspoons Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes
- 2 teaspoons gelatin
- Filtered 1 7 / 8 cup water
- ¼ of acerola powder

The formula is about 36 ounces. I just wanted to know, so that the new mothers that there is a way to make the formula for your baby. There are no substitutes to use, if this formula does not agree with the child. If you do some research online for an element of the formula as the flakes of yeast;Here you will find a simple replacement. Now is your chance to have them deliver healthy. Greetings!

Child at home

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